[鹏城杯 2022]简单取证 | NSSCTF
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| $ vol -f file.raw windows.info Volatility 3 Framework 2.4.1 Progress: 100.00 PDB scanning finished Variable Value
Kernel Base 0x804d8000 DTB 0xb37000 Symbols file:///home/wrwrw/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/volatility3/symbols/windows/ntkrnlpa.pdb/30B5FB31AE7E4ACAABA750AA241FF331-1.json.xz Is64Bit False IsPAE True layer_name 0 WindowsIntelPAE memory_layer 1 FileLayer KdDebuggerDataBlock 0x80546ae0 NTBuildLab 2600.xpsp.080413-2111 CSDVersion 3 KdVersionBlock 0x80546ab8 Major/Minor 15.2600 MachineType 332 KeNumberProcessors 1 SystemTime 2022-06-20 13:00:12 NtSystemRoot C:\WINDOWS NtProductType NtProductWinNt NtMajorVersion 5 NtMinorVersion 1 PE MajorOperatingSystemVersion 5 PE MinorOperatingSystemVersion 1 PE Machine 332 PE TimeDateStamp Sun Apr 13 18:31:06 2008
是windows xp系统的,中文版的桌面叫做“桌面”而不是“Desktop”,直接搜索对应的文件
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| $ vol -f file.raw windows.filescan |grep 桌面 0x2072ea0 100.0\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\51763-4FE71AEA7-20220620-130010.raw 112 0x20dd608 \Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\DumpIt.exe 112 0x2162df8 \Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面 112 0x224e028 \Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面 112 0x2325028 \Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\secret.jpg 112 0x23ac178 \Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面 112 0x23d5960 \Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\DumpIt.exe 112 0x240d8d8 \Documents and Settings\All Users\桌面 112
| $ vol -f file.raw windows.dump --physaddr 0x2325028
解码后发现PK字样,猜测是压缩包直接用脚本解压后发现无法解压,用010editor打开,发现50 4b 03 04在最后面而且是反过来的,更改脚本进行反序输出
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| from base64 import*
with open(r"file.0x2325028.0x81fc6610.DataSectionObject.secret.jpg","rb")as f: arr=f.read() arr=b64decode(arr)[::-1] with open(r"a.zip","wb") as g: g.write(arr)
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| $ strings file.raw |grep password #以上省略 echo password = 62b041223bb9a #以下省略
解压后是一个文本,都是以数对形式存在,猜测是坐标,用于打印像素,且该文本的末尾是349 349 猜测是350*350的图片
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| from PIL import Image with open(r"a~\flag.txt") as f: pixels=f.read().splitlines() width = 350 height = 350 result=[] img = Image.new('RGB', (width, height)) for i in pixels: tmp=i.split(' ') img.putpixel((int(tmp[0]),int(tmp[1])),(255,255,255))